The Thief That Everybody Knows But Won’t Confront

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

How many times have I written this inaugural blog in my head only to find out that it never materialized on paper?  Let me be honest: dozens of times!  The irking question is WHY did I fall prey to procrastination?  Why did I keep delaying something I desired to do?  What was holding me back from getting it done?


The answers are too numerous to mention but I think I have distilled them down to a few:

  1. Perfectionism – This is the yearning to get all the “i”s dotted and all the “t”s crossed. Perfectionists are stuck on start because they over-analyze things.  They experience what some may call a “paralysis of analysis”.  Now, I know we don’t live in a perfect world so why was I trying to ensure that the post was perfect?  This brought me to the next possible answer…
  2. Panic – This is so paralyzing until it’s not even funny. Many of us have panic or fear in bucket loads to share.  (Oh my, I’m rhyming too!)  We might fear rejection, failure, or even fear what people might say.  Would you believe that some people even procrastinate because they subconsciously fear success?  It’s true!
  3. Pyrrhonism – Don’t be scared by this term. This is just a fancy way of referring to self-doubt, skepticism and uncertainty.  Thinking that you’re not good enough is a crippling reality for many.  It contributes greatly to lack of motivation, anxiety and even depression.  I struggle with this from time to time and often have to talk to myself to shake it off and move on.

These were just some of the barriers I had to overcome to confront the thief that everyone knows: procrastination.  Yes, it steals our time, our satisfaction and or peace of mind. 

Here are a few practical things you can employ if you find yourself in the same boat:

  • Accept your imperfections. You are not perfect and you won’t please everybody.  This is a liberating thought!  Biblical history is bursting with countless examples of imperfect people who acted in the midst of their imperfections and went on to accomplish great feats.  When we embrace the reality that it is impossible to please everybody, we can begin to accept our shortcomings and take action.
  • Do it scared. Be willing to do it afraid and perhaps even wrong.  It’s not the end of the road if you make a mistake.  Just do it!  When you care enough about what it is that you want to accomplish, your care will override your fear.  So be sure that what you have been putting off is something that is important to you.  If it is important, then you won’t mind doing a few simple but effective ways to overcome the fear that renders you inactive.
  • Break it down. How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!  Think of your task in smaller, bite-size chunks and do a little piece every day.  The small successes will soon turn into the big reward of reaching your ultimate goal.
  • Focus on the results. Stop analyzing the task and focus rather on what you will gain once the task is completed.    If you keep the intended results or rewards in mind, it will help to keep you motivated to take action.  This may even help you to reverse the procrastination and do the difficult things first.
  • Change your self-talk. There is a nonstop conversation going on in our minds.  The question to ask is “What are you saying to yourself?”  Negative self-talk causes low self-esteem, self-doubt and unhealthy behaviors.  To overcome procrastination we have to make positive affirmations about our abilities and ourselves.  Sometimes, we might need to say things aloud to counteract the negativity in our minds.  Don’t worry; your friends won’t think you’re losing it. (Hopefully!)

It’s time to stop staring at those goals as though they are mysterious and unobtainable.  If you have dreamed it, you can certainly do it.  All it takes is a little discipline.  Decide to confront that thief of time and progress.  Do it now. … it today!


Question:  How do you overcome procrastination and finally do what you have wanted to do all along?

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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12 thoughts on “The Thief That Everybody Knows But Won’t Confront

  1. Great post Sharmane. One way to overcome procrastination is to recognize the fact that you are procrastinating, and then devise a plan to begin the task at hand.

    • So true Gwen. Many times we are in a state of denial and would hate to admit that we’ve been stalling. Recognizing the problem is half the battle. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Excellent content. Simple and easy to follow guide to jumping into action. Of particular interest is the paralyzing fear that stops a person from acting in the first instance and overcoming a lack of self confidence in the second. Deliberately moving into action despite the fear will take some practice, but it can be done. I feel empowered!

    • Thanks Byron! For someone overcoming habitual procrastination, taking deliberate action will take practice. You’re certainly right about that.

  3. Way to Go Sharmane Miller, Thank you for making it real and putting it in perspective, it is only when we are intentional and do in spire of our fears, or feelings, it is pushing through the fear and the feelings will we reveal to the world all the wonderful ideas,, books and plays we have stored up inside of us. Thank you for taking the lead, I am sure you have given so many more people the courage to not only find their voice, but speak/ write their voice.

    • Sylvia, thank you for your kind words and for the reminder that we must push through fear. It’s a natural feeling that may come, but once we realize that we have what it takes, we can take action despite the fear. Looking forward to hearing your voice in this forum.

  4. So true the sentiments of this inaugural blog Mrs. Miller. Awesome read indeed, especially the humorous but profound line, “How do you eat an elephant?” ans: “One bite at a time!” Yes, bite by bite we can accomplish our dreams and pursue them with passion!

    • Yes Lee Ann, sometimes that one bite is enough to keep us chewing for a while. That means we better bite and stay busy if we ever plan to fully accomplish our goals.

  5. This article was an awesome read. Procrastination is my biggest enemy, and, with having so much to do each day, I’ve gotten so accustomed to it’s control! I tend to put things off for another time because I wait for ‘the perfect time’ to do things. I’m finally beginning to realize that there will never be a ‘perfect time’ for anything. The best time will always be ‘now’. Thanks for the great article, Mrs. Miller! 🙂

    • Thanks for your comments Stefan. Like you, putting things off for another time always seemed like the best option for me. It’s not easy, but we’ve got to start taking back control of our time by acting NOW! I wonder if anyone has a good resource they can recommend (book/ CD/ video) that can help in this regard. Hmmm….