Career Change: When It’s Time to Do Something Different

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Have you ever felt as though career-wise you’re just going around in a circle?  Perhaps now you may feel as if you have hit a brick wall and not making any progress.  Deep down you sense a need for change but you’re not sure what that change should be. Frustrated_teacher

Desiring a change is a good thing, but sometimes the options seem so few and the possible changes seem like a giant step out of our comfort zones.  Trust me I know the exact feeling! 

How to Gain Momentum to Follow Through on Your Goals

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Okay, let’s be honest with ourselves.  How many of us have already faltered on one, if not all of our New Year’s resolutions?  Come on, confession is good for the soul.

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Well, I’ll be the first to say that on my pursuit towards my fitness goal I have already detoured quite a bit.  I won’t talk about my goal to read through the bible in a year.  Oh boy!

The truth is, at the beginning of the New Year, we are bursting with excitement and new ideas until reality hits.  The grading starts piling up, bulletin boards require changing, and students aren’t as cooperative as we would hope.  At this point, the goals we had set are but a distant memory.

One Yard From Victory: Making the Decisive Call

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Can you believe it?  The Seattle SeaHawks seemed to have “given up” their Super Bowl title to the New England Patriots when they were only one yard away from victory.  If I didn’t see it for myself, I probably would not have believed it.  It all came down to the call made for the last play.

Football & Helmet

Instead of driving the ball into the end zone, the QB decided to throw it, and …………. ZAP!  Just like that, a rookie defense player intercepted the ball and made the game-changing play that gave his team the championship title.

Isn’t that just like life, sometimes?  It appears as if things are going so well and nothing could go wrong, then out of the blue, the decision you make goes awry.  If this hasn’t happened to you, then just keep living.