5 Reasons Why Educators Should Enjoy Taking a Break

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Do you remember that feeling of exhilaration you felt back in August when school had just reopened?  You were rested, revived and ready for the new school year.  Now, several months later, you’re depleted of energy, devoid of inspiration and drenched in backlogged work.  Well, I’ve come to tell you that it’s okay to take a break.

Image courtesy of Kiran Valipa @ unsplash.com

Image courtesy of Kiran Valipa @ unsplash.com

5 Tips for Developing Valuable Relationships in the Workplace

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

It’s Monday morning and you’re so excited to get to work!  Mentally, you’ve already mapped out your day: successful implementation of lesson plans, minimal classroom disruptions, self-disciplined students and a chance to mark some projects.    But the reality is, things don’t always go as you envision, nor as you plan.   Strangely though, you still experience a deep feeling of satisfaction.  Why is that?

Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If this is you, then you might be in that group of people who value the work relationships that they have developed.

7 Strategies for Dealing with Negative People at Work

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Nothing is as distasteful and upsetting as a chronic complainer, a giddy gossiper or a nonstop negativity nitwit….unless of course there’s one person who qualifies as all three.  You know these people all too well and you feel the effects of them on the job every day.

Complaining woman

Maybe you’ve had the delightful pleasure to have your students finally “get it” after many unsuccessful lessons on a particular skill.  So, you bounce into the staff room, bubbling with excitement over their response and eager to share it with your colleagues.