Dealing With the Unexpected: Four Lessons I Learned

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Children’s lunch packed?  Check. √

Breakfast prepared?  Check.  √

Work bag packed?  Check.  √

Coffee in hand?  Check.  √  Okay, so we are ready to go.

Well, that’s what I thought as I pulled out the yard, focused on delivering two of my children quickly and safely to school.

Worried or shocked dog_FreeDigitalPhotosnetImage courtesy of Mister GC at

I was looking forward to getting the day started with my high-priority activities to maximize my productivity.  I pulled up to my work destination, gingerly turned off the motor, and instinctively leaned over to gather my things.

What???  Where is my laptop bag?  Don’t tell me……nooooo!  Okay, calm down Sharmane.  Maybe your husband put it in the back seat when he was seeing you off.  Nope, it’s not there either.  Grrr!”

Take Action and Keep it Moving!

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”                                          _Martin Luther King Jr.

Marting Luther King Jr.


The third Monday of every January is observed as a US federal holiday commemorating the birth of MLK.  Although many may take this day to relax, the opening quote advocates the need to keep moving.    Yes, rest is important, but here, King is admonishing everyone to be purposeful about making progress no matter what.

Managing Your Mind to Stay in the Game

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

Have you ever had something disappointing happen to you that you kept replaying repeatedly in your mind?  If you’re human, I am sure you have.  It’s only natural to relive circumstances that evoke great emotional responses, especially those negative ones.  Unfortunately, though, this unhealthy practice limits our ability to move forward.

Man sitting on a pier_Caleb George

Image courtesy of Caleb George at

In James Allen’s classic book, As a Man Thinketh, the mind is described as a garden.  Whether cultivated or neglected it will most certainly yield a harvest: useful fruit or useless weeds.  Our choice of thoughts creates our circumstances and even our character.

How to Be Intentional About Change: Review! Reflect! Revamp!

Human Resource Trainer, Writer, Speaker

It’s the beginning of a brand new year!  Can you believe it?  Before you know it, 365 days will pass again and we’ll be right back to this point.  Hopefully though, we won’t be the same.  I mean, what good would life be if we don’t grow and change, right?  We expect it of students but what about for ourselves?

Fall Season_Leaves on ground

Image courtesy of Rula Sibai at